02 hours 24 minutes
- Μπεν Άφλεκ, Άντγιε Τράουε, Έζρα Μίλερ, Κίρσεϊ Κλέμονς, Μάικλ Κίτον, Μάικλ Σάνον, Μαριμπέλ Βερδού, Ρον Λίβινγκστον, Σάσα Κέιλ
- Άντι Μουσκιέτι
- Adventure
- 22/06/2023
In the movie "The Flash", parallel universes collide. Barry will have to convince a… different and retired Batman to return to action and free a Kryptonian from prison but not the one he was looking for! But will this great sacrifice be enough to restore the universe?
- 23:00 - OPEN AIR
- 21:15 - INDOOR
- 23:30 - OUTDOOR
- 21:00 - OPEN AIR
- 23:00 - OPEN AIR
- 21:30 - OUTDOOR
- 23:30 - OUTDOOR
- 21:00 - OPEN AIR
- 23:00 - OPEN AIR
- 20:00 - INDOOR